Configuring rooms

The rooms option give you the ability to define the rooms, how it integrates, and what’s available in the rooms.

Manage rooms

Log in to the GoBright portal with your manager account, and choose Settings > Meet.

There are two ways how rooms can be managed, either manually added or synchronizing them from an existing integration.

  • To manually add a room press the blue ‘Add’ button
  • To synchronize rooms press the green ‘Synchronize rooms’ button
    (Note that the integration must be set up first, see the Configuring Integrations article for more information)


Synchronize rooms

When you select the green ‘Synchronize rooms’ button GoBright will try to find all the available rooms in all the external systems which are configured in the integrations.

You can select the room and update a room which is already known, or create a new rooms.

It will use the access it has, but might not find all the available rooms, this probably is because the external room is not in a room list, or is otherwise hidden.

Configure a room



The general section lets you set the general settings of the room. Here the name of the room must be entered, which will also be shown on the displays. An image can be attached so that this will be displayed within the portal when searching for a room.

Most important is the ‘profile’, this lets you select a settings-profile, which defines how the room behaves in the system. For example, if no-show detection is enabled, if it is bookable, etc.

The booking instructions let you give some remarks which are shown when booking the room.

Location and capacity


The location can be chosen from the list of added locations. This will also set the time zone based on the defined location. If no location is chosen the time zone will need to be configured manually for the room.

Capacity is configured manually for each room. While synchronizing rooms it’s possible to set the capacity to multiple rooms at once.

Capacity field is required to be able to book a Room.

Every room has either booking of services and/or control available that needs to be configured here as well.



The integration section lets you select if the room should integrate with an external system, like Microsoft Exchange/Office365/Google G Suite/etc.

You should select the integration, and then you need to set to what calendar it should link, via the email address. (Most external systems require an email address know to what external calendar it should connect, some other systems need things like an id, etc).

When the room is saved the email address will be checked to see if the room’s email exists within the configured configuration.



The options section let you select which amenities are available in the room, for example an LCD display, video conferencing, etc.

Batch updating of existing rooms

Existing rooms can be selected as a multiple and new settings applied in bulk.

Log in to the GoBright portal with your manager account, and choose Settings > Meet.

Rooms requiring an update can be selected by ticking the boxes.

Bulk selection rooms.png

Then select the Bulk update option.

Bulk update.png

Select the required field to update

Bulk types.png

Selected the new setting for the room

Confirm the Bulk update by selecting the blue Bulk update button.

Bulk update button.png

This article comes from the Help Center of GoBright.

View original article


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