GoBright - Microsoft Teams integration on laptop - Room Booking and Desk Booking

Coming Soon! GoBright || Microsoft Teams Integration

New Features & Upgrades

Soon we will launch the GoBright x Microsoft Teams Integration; which will give users the full GoBright experience within the Microsoft Teams environment. This means that you can book your desk, room, or parking spot within the GoBright Portal, while working in Microsoft Teams. We are currently working on finalising the last steps of this process.

Microsoft Teams is a communication and collaboration platform, built to support hybrid work, to keep teams informed, organised, and connected. It is one of the most used tools within offices nowadays. It allows users to manage various types of work processes from one platform.

With the GoBright x Microsoft Teams integration it is possible to open the GoBright Online Portal directly from the Teams environment. This way users do not have to switch between different systems. They stay within their familiar Teams environment and simply click on the GoBright logo. The Online Portal opens directly within the Teams environment and the booking process of rooms, desks, or parking spots remains unchanged. This increases the user-experience, ease-of-use, and efficiency.

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We expect to launch this feature in the upcoming weeks. We will keep you updated through our social media, website, and newsletter.

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