GoBright - Digital Signage - De Variabele 3
Case Story

De Variabele

Share important information across the organisation and reach out to the right people with the cloud-based Digital Signage solution GoBright View.


There was a strong desire to optimise the internal communication at De Variabele. It seemed to be a difficult challenge to reach out and connect with people in and around their office environment.

At first, De Variabele had tried to share information through newsletters. However, they soon discovered that this was not the most effective way to distribute information across the organisation. In reality, employees who were on site working on projects often missed a lot of important information. With the arrival of a new office building in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, the search for a suitable solution gained momentum and a decision was made to change both on employee and operational level. How could De Variabele bridge the gap and encourage connectivity between employees at the office and employees who were on the road or working at other remote locations?

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We use the GoBright Digital Signage solution View, or how we named it 'VAR TV' as our internal communication platform. We share information with all our colleagues at multiple locations.

Robin Hooiveld Marketer
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Implementing GoBright

The solution to the communication challenge was sought in the direction of Digital Signage also known as narrowcasting. With the digital signage solution, GoBright View, De Variabele is able to flexibly create, manage, schedule and distribute content from an online cloud-based environment to different locations. Narrowcasting has the advantage that relevant content can be shared with different target groups. As a result, information always reaches the right people at the right time. Digital Signage screens stand out; De Variabele makes their content visual according to the brand guidelines while connecting people or other departments with each other in an easy way.

The Decisive Factor: User-Friendliness

Reseller BeleefAV, started the project with 3 screens containing GoBright Digital Signage at the Nijmegen location in 2020. Shortly after, they expanded to other locations of De Variabele. Digital Signage or narrowcasting functions as an essential part of the modern communication strategy and is suitable for every organisation. The cloud-based digital signage solution is intuitive and designed confirming to the latest insights. According to De Variabele, the decisive factor in choosing GoBright is how user-friendly the product is.


With the implementation of GoBright Digital Signage, employees at De Variabele are reached in a simple yet accessible manner through content shared on the informative screens. To make the information distribution even more effective, De Variabele has integrated a streamer with the GoBright software. The content is accessible for all employees via the streaming platform regardless of their workplace or working hours. The VAR TV stream is available to watch via a phone, tablet or laptop. This is a great example of how versatile GoBright solutions really are and how they can be integrated in multiple ways.


Digital Signage licenses

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The Result

With the implementation of the GoBright Digital Signage system, the internal communication strategy of The Variable is optimised. The employees working on site watch the VAR tv stream to stay up to date about what is going on in their organisation. Distributing content with GoBright View is not only useful for employees. De Variabele also sees that it is an excellent way to entertain visitors while waiting and give a small glimpse behind the scenes of the organisation. Whether important updates are being shared, company dilemmas, or simply the latest photos from a project, the employees at De Variabele are now more connected than ever.

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De Variabele

De Variabele is an innovative maintenance company in the real estate sector. De Variabele supports other corporations operating in the real estate sector by offering their expertise and vision. Furthermore, they offer a supporting role in carrying out renovation and strategic real estate management.

BeleefAV x GoBright
Together with reseller BeleefAV we were able to tackle this challenge together with De Variabele. BeleefAV has fully immersed itself in the challenge of De Variabele. With the solutions of GoBright, BeleefAV has established connection and effective information distribution across the locations of De Variabele. Read more about this case on the website of BeleefAV.
Download De Variabele Case in PDF

Implementation of GoBright's Solutions at De Variabele

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