GoBright - Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân
Case Story

Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân

Room Booking, Desk Booking, and the Map Viewer completed the new working and renovations of Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân. The Municipality operates as the local authority in Friesland and boosted their collaboration and occupancy management solutions.


The municipality Noardeast-Fryslân in Friesland in the Netherlands. Including 52 villages and the city of Dokkum. The municipality, situated in Dokkum, has three buildings; one is renovated with GoBright solutions. Seeking workplace innovation, the municipality integrated GoBright during the May 2023 renovation, taking advantage of the merger with the city hall.

Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân’s primary concern was what the workplaces should offer. With a focus on Activity-based working, Optimising workplace usage, enabling easy workplace bookings, including a Room Booking and Desk Booking System. Employees work on-site based on their tasks, reserving home for focused work. But the new workplace should also ensure user-friendliness through app accessibility. Municipality Noardeast-Fyslân needed to be future-proof and reliable.

The merger was mainly focussed on bringing colleagues closer together, and giving them freedom to work the way they want. Integration with employees’ access passes was necessary. All functionalities had to be consolidated into a single system for ease of use. Workplaces needed to be available for spontaneous use, in need of integration of lockers and essential systems like Outlook, Teams, and TopDesk. Clear insight into workplace usage was also necessary. The emphasis during renovation was on functionality. This approach requires finding an effective management system.

GoBright - Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân

Freedom in working and shaping your day as you wish. [...] I witnessed a building evolve from scratch to something beautiful. It's truly enjoyable to walk around here.

Tjitske Leenstra Project Assistant - Central Housing
GoBright - Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân

The solution

Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân found the answer in GoBright, especially in our Room Booking systemDesk Booking system and Analytics, Locker Integration and Map Viewer.

Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân reached our reseller to AENC, because GoBright checked off all of their requirements. Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân prefers a cohesive appearance and consistent look and feel. They aim for universality at the workplace. The building is designed for collaboration, which was a new concept for the employees. The lounge area on every floor is to encourage employees to leave their desks for socialising with their colleagues, and boost collaboration. Eating in communal areas is encouraged, promoting a community, and open areas motivating colleague interaction. Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân motivates the employee to choose comfortable workplaces for better focus. If the employee wanted to work from home, they received a designated home workspace.

Activity-based working

They wanted “Landing spots” serving as casual meeting area, similar to a living room. Determine necessary workplaces for various situations, including enclosed booths for calls. Offer a modern work environment for their employees where Activity-based working is standard. Providing facilities for diverse work styles. This includes creating different meeting spaces, “landing spots” for quick discussions and email checks, special Microsoft Teams rooms (maximum of 2 persons), and quiet phone-booths. As part of the new office and the new way of working, various spaces will be incorporated to accommodate these needs.

Now Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân employees can easily check room and desk availability, and book their workplace. Workplaces of the Municipality are suited to the employees’ needs. Over 60% of the employees have a desk to work at. Upon entering the floor, they wanted a Map Viewer to show employees instantly how many desks and rooms are occupied. There are certain zones where employees cannot simply book certain workplaces. These are workplaces are intended for specific groups, such as civil affairs and enforcement officers. The workplaces within these zones can only be booked by the respective colleagues.


GoBright - Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân - Interact - Desk Booking


Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân is very pleased with the outcome. Acceptance of GoBright’s was quick, partly because the building was over-crowded, and mainly because our system was user-friendly. The internal projectteam organised several meetings to introduce and explain the new system. Only a handful of people reached out for questions, indicating high and rapid user acceptance. Because municipality Noardeast-Fryslân wanted to reduce no-shows, they installed GoBright Interact on all workstations, following AENC’s advice. This device lets you check in, see if a spot is free, and book it directly.

According to Christiaan Eelkema and Tjitske Leenstra, the employees are proud to work at the new workplace. A pleasant working environment where everything has been thought through.

GoBright - Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân

About Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân

Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân, located in Dokkum, serves as the hub for local government operations and community services. Representing civic pride, it serves the municipality including 52 villages and the city of Dokkum in the Dutch province of Friesland. By incorporating the names of municipalities’ towns and cities in the Frisian language the Town Hall emphasises its local identity and contributes to the preservation and promotion of the Frisian language, aligning with regional objectives.

In various rooms of the municipality, you’ll find photos of the Frisian surroundings taken by Anja Brouwer. Focussing to promote community spirit in Noardeast-Fryslân. She is a nature photographer who also works for the municipality Noardeast-Fryslân. Anja Brouwer was named Nature Photographer of the Year in 2023.

Download Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân Case in PDF

Implementation of GoBright's Solutions at Town Hall Noardeast-Fryslân

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