GoBright Desk Booking - Car Parking
GoBright Car Parking

Parking Space Booking

Check the availability of parking spaces and book your preferred spot directly. Use the GoBright solutions to make a booking anytime, anywhere.

What can GoBright's Parking Space Booking mean for you?

Discover your Benefits

Benefits for Users

Complete your full workday at the office with a smooth arrival and departure.

  • Save time

    Never lose time looking for a parking spot.

  • Certainty

    Always be certain of a (special) parking space.

  • Efficiency

    Manage your entire workday from arrival to departure, with just one app.

Benefits for Employers

Enhance the experience of visitors and employees at your office with the option to book suitable parking spaces.

  • Cost-efficiency

    Save costs by measuring your parking's occupancy.

  • Employee Experience

    Better accommodate to the needs of your employees.

  • Enhance security

    Manage which vehicles can or cannot enter the parking lot with Access Control.

Gobright Team - Adam and Mathilde

Start Saving Money

Create the most ideal Hybrid workplace, save money, and improve employee happiness at the same time.

GoBright Parking Management Features

GoBright’s Parking Management System is designed to match the needs of the end user, created to stimulate efficiency and certainty.

GoBright Desk Booking - Portal

Unique booking software for flexible workspaces

The GoBright Platform empowers employees to book parking spaces based on their preferences, including special parking spots. It offers a user-friendly platform for booking and managing existing reservations. You can also gain valuable insights into the occupancy of your parking deck.

  • Online Portal
  • Mobile App
  • Microsoft Teams integration


GoBright Desk Booking - Car Parking

A visual representation of your parking lot

When booking a parking spot in a car parking system, it is easiest if the user can view the entire lot on a map. With GoBright’s Mapping, you have a full view of parking spaces and their availability. Green means they are available to be booked, red means occupied and orange means it is booked and will soon be occupied.

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GoBright - Book Your Parking Spot

A parking space for everybody

Not everybody needs the same type of parking place. Some people might need one that is designed for electric vehicles, while others may look for a parking space close to the door because of a disability.

These special types of parking spaces can be indicated by symbols in GoBright’s Parking Management System, and can even be assigned to certain users only. This way, you can make sure that only people that are entitled to a certain type of parking space can book that space.

GoBright Car Parking - Parking Deck - What to Expect from GoBright Car Parking

Register your vehicle

It is also possible to manage license plates in the parking management software by adding license plates to users in order to create better insights. Whenever a person books a parking spot, it is directly linked to their license plate. This can be especially interesting for security purposes, to know exactly who has access to the lot. These data can be integrated with other systems, such as Access Control.

GoBright Analytics in a Data Driven Office

Make data-driven decisions for your flexible office

Unlock the potential of your Flexible Office space with GoBright Analytics. It offers real-time occupancy insights based on parking space bookings and check-ins. Discover parking space popularity, peak office days, and user preferences. Facility Managers can make informed decisions for efficient parking lots and maximise space utilisation, even saving costs along the way.

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PowerBI logo - no background

Make informed decisions in a truly data-driven workplace

You can leverage GoBright Analytics by importing data into Microsoft Power BI dashboards, unlocking interactive, eye-opening reports. Gain invaluable insights on room and desk occupancy for office redesign. Combine data from various sources like climate control and security.

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Parking Management Integrations

To stimulate collaboration and communication integrating the right tools is essential. GoBright offers Car Parking integrations with Microsoft and Google Workspace tools, ensuring user-friendliness and time-saving. Workspace bookings synchronise seamlessly through all platforms.

How our customers' workflow has improved with GoBright

GoBright - Polimi Graduate School of Management - Case Story - Education - Digital Signage

Smart working environment, with accurate occupancy data

  • 3000+ students yearly
  • Challenge: allow space management and inform teachers and students
  • Room, Desk, and Parking Booking, Wayfinding, Digital Signage
View complete case
GoBright Smart Workplaces - Admiral Case Story - Chris and Huw

Motivating employees with Parking Booking

  • 11.000+ employees
  • Challenge: Focusing on active collaboration
  • Room Booking, Desk Booking and Parking Space Booking
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GoBright - Get in touch with Gonnie - Business Development Manager Germany

Get in contact with Gonnie,
our Business Development Manager.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQ's to find quick answers to common queries about our Car Parking Products, Features and Services.

View all Car Parking questions
What is a parking management system?

A parking management system refers to the innovative technologies that provide solutions in the parking industry. In GoBright’s case, it is a system in which users can book various...

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Why is parking management important?

Parking management is important for several reasons. First of all, managing parking creates opportunities for improving traffic flow. After all, when everybody is able to book their parking spot...

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What are the advantages of a parking management system?

There’s a variety of benefits that come from a parking management system such as GoBright’s Car Parking. First of all, you’ll be able to offer a better employee and...

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What are the drawbacks of smart parking systems?

As any innovation, parking management systems can have some disadvantages. Most evidently, it’s the pricing that is the biggest concern for many employers. Some parking management systems may cost...

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GoBright Sales - Jan-Maurice

Get in contact with Jan-Maurice,
our Channel Development Manager.

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