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Working in the Smart Office

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A Smart Office is a space where technology enables its employees to work more efficient and smarter. In today’s office environment the Smart Office should facilitate different kinds of workers and their activities. This means creating a diverse and adaptable office space where technology ensures the flexible and hybrid character of today’s work.

The most important element of a Smart Office is technology. By creating an ecosystem of platforms, connections and technological solutions employees can design their workplace and adapt it to their needs. The ecosystem consists of a variety of services and tech-tools, creating a network that promotes and support flexible and hybrid working. Examples can be Digital Signage, video conferencing in meeting rooms, Desk Booking systems and work-from-home technology.

Why is the Smart Office important?

By implementing the rules of a Smart Office, you create a productive and efficient workspace. Especially today, more work needs to be done in less time. Offering Smart Office solutions boosts employees to be more productive. Introducing smart technology into the office is the way to work smarter, not harder.

Besides the benefits of being more productive, the Smart Office creates comfort, safety, ease, and energy efficiency. This increases the positive employee experience. It is important that the office creates involvement among employees which in its turn increases productivity again. The Smart Office comes with endless benefits, not only for the employees.

Boost Productivity & Collaboration

Smart technology is the key to boosting productivity and collaboration. Technology makes time management, effective working and working together much easier. By booking your desk or meeting room ahead, you save time looking for a suitable space to work. The smart tools offered in those spaces, such as effortless video conferencing, seamless integrations with other software systems and personalised catering and services make working in the office a breeze.

Smart tools such as Digital Signage, Wayfinders and detailed and multifunctional Mapping increase the effectivity of workers in the office as well. All these tools help with efficient navigation. Mutual communication among colleagues is effortless by offering tools that give easy insight into where colleagues are located at. This helps boosting collaboration and contributes to a healthy and positive workspace.


Improve Health

Especially after the coronavirus pandemic, human resource departments are focussing on healthy workspaces. Topics such as sanitation, ventilation, filtration, and air quality are under much more attention now. Smart technology in the Smart Office can manage these health topics by automatically managing temperature and humidity. GoBright has solutions that can improve health as well. The purple setting on our GoBright Connect for example, when a desk needs cleaning. Via our Wayfinding tool you can navigate the people flows. With Room– and Desk Booking your employees no longer experience stress when looking for a suitable space to work. Everything is arranged perfectly giving your employees certainty, improving their mental health.

Gobright connect device

Data & Analytics

The power of applying technological tools in the Smart Office reaches its full potential when it is being used to measure real time usage and occupancy. Data and analytics give insight into the overall utilisation of the tools in the office. Floor space, for example, is expensive and rooms that aren’t used properly are an unnecessary expense. By gaining insight into this type of information money can be saved. Workplace Analytics can help to understand user behaviour and preferences. GoBright’s Room- and Desk Sensors measure occupancy rate with 100% certainty. Besides that, it is connected to the entire GoBright Platform, increasing insight and effective working. This ultimately helps to realise new ways of working while at the same time offering your employees what they want and need and saving money.

Technology & ROI

As mentioned before, technology is essential to the Smart Office. Technology can also have a profound effect on the sustainability of the office. Smart technology can influence the climate in the office by regulating humidity and temperature. By connecting lights to smart technology, the lights in office spaces and meeting rooms that are unoccupied can be managed, to save energy. All this data is incredibly valuable for facility managers. By gaining insight into room occupation, by for example connecting lights to smart technology facility managers can optimise office occupation, room types and redesign the office to fit to employee demand. The Smart Office gives space for growth, increasing productivity, being sustainably aware and creating a positive employee experience.


The Return on Investment when implementing the Smart Office is various. The ROI is not only about saving money on office space, less energy consumption, or the smarter dividing of spaces. Working with smart technology that regulates energy, extends the equipment lifespan, and promotes hybrid working the office contributes to the office durability and sustainability.

Read our: Sustainable Smart Office Blog


A Healthy Workplace

Smart Offices can also provide ROI regarding sick leave. Creating a healthier work environment, with less stress factors and having more involved and happy colleagues is better for your employees. In return these employees call in sick less often. And happy employees are loyal employees. They are less likely to switch to another employer, making the investment even more worthwhile.


Stand up for your health

When looking at HR and ROI, the Smart Office can be influential in recruiting new colleagues as well. A modern Smart Office with smart tools, technology and quality interior can be decisive when an applicant must choose between two functions at different companies.

Smart Offices essentially streamline the employee-to-management channel. Technology and smart tools can radically reduce time and effort, stimulate sustainable and efficient working, and return your investment on endless elements.

The future office is a smart office. Why?

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