The core of a Data-Driven Workplace is making decisions based on facts. This ensures that you can't make wrong choices for your office environment. This can be applied to...
Read moreOccupancy measuring and monitoring in office buildings is a valuable tool. You can manage and monitor the occupancy with Smart Office soft- and hardware. Using desk or room sensors...
Read moreThe basics of occupancy measuring and monitoring starts with getting a better understanding of how the office is being used. Throughout the day, a week, or even a month....
Read moreOffice Space Utilisation is the amount of space that is used in your office. It focuses mostly on how an office space is divided and used by employees over...
Read moreObviously you can start with monitoring the data to see what's really happening at the office. What are the most or least popular workplaces, how many no-shows are there,...
Read moreWe do not have our own occupancy sensors, but different types of sensors can be used in combination with our software. In the area of 'active sensors' we support...
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