Employee Engagement - Team picture


The number one user–friendly software platform for Room, Desk & Visitor Management and digital solutions.

GoBright Glow in the Smart Workplace

Room booking system

Check the availability of meeting rooms and book your room within seconds. Use the GoBright solutions to make a booking at any time.

  • Are meeting rooms not used? How can you stop overspending on floorspace?
  • Double bookings and interruptions are frustrating. How can you use your office space efficiently?
  • Explore opportunities to maximize space efficiency.
GoBright Interact green

Relaxed and worry-free meeting with GoBright room booking.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tellus neque, tempor sit amet viverra molestie.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tellus neque, tempor sit amet viverra molestie, vestibulum sit amet turpis. Ut ut dolor leo. Ut ut metus ac nibh suscipit suscipit. Maecenas blandit quam porttitor cursus mollis. Suspendisse nisl turpis, tincidunt sit amet nulla non, pretium varius diam. Vivamus risus odio, dapibus nec orci eu, faucibus malesuada felis. Vestibulum vel sapien at ipsum consequat pulvinar eu quis nisl. Curabitur ut nulla sem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer sed pellentesque nibh, vitae mattis arcu.

GoBright Interact green

Relaxed and worry-free meeting with GoBright room booking.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tellus neque, tempor sit amet viverra molestie.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tellus neque, tempor sit amet viverra molestie, vestibulum sit amet turpis. Ut ut dolor leo. Ut ut metus ac nibh suscipit suscipit. Maecenas blandit quam porttitor cursus mollis. Suspendisse nisl turpis, tincidunt sit amet nulla non, pretium varius diam. Vivamus risus odio, dapibus nec orci eu, faucibus malesuada felis. Vestibulum vel sapien at ipsum consequat pulvinar eu quis nisl. Curabitur ut nulla sem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer sed pellentesque nibh, vitae mattis arcu.

Proin eleifend cras in mi.

Proin non nulla semper, eleifend augue eu, sollicitudin tellus. Aenean sed est fringilla lacus sodales mollis. Aenean egestas ac lectus vel posuere. Quisque eu lorem mi. Donec mollis, erat ac imperdiet condimentum, orci neque accumsan leo, eget mattis dui nibh ac orci. Vivamus vestibulum leo nec condimentum finibus. Pellentesque ac lacus sapien. Morbi sit amet mattis mi, vitae consequat ante. Duis finibus pellentesque magna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce semper feugiat arcu, vel dictum lacus. Maecenas sed leo arcu. Sed id dictum justo. Integer eget maximus mauris. Suspendisse a mauris arcu. Suspendisse eget leo non metus porttitor gravida.

Nunc pharetra malesuada augue, sed ullamcorper odio. Nullam laoreet mauris sit amet libero feugiat, at semper justo bibendum. Vivamus vitae aliquam libero, ut rhoncus lacus. Curabitur vel viverra neque. Etiam efficitur, erat quis convallis faucibus, elit leo pulvinar ex, sit amet fermentum lacus urna nec nibh. Vestibulum vestibulum mattis purus at pellentesque. Sed ultricies rhoncus enim, quis porttitor eros bibendum id. Fusce at tempor nisl. Etiam tortor turpis, luctus eget mauris ut, commodo consequat ligula.

What makes us unique

We believe in the power of strong relationships. Understanding the needs of clients, employees, and partners is key.

  • Integrity

    We believe in the power of strong relationships. Understanding the needs of clients, employees, and partners is key.

  • Relationship oriented

    In the end our success is measured by our ability to achieve results.

  • Trust

    Our clients' and our own environments are constantly changing, requiring us to be flexible and responsive.

  • Innovation

    We can proudly say we are experts in finding the right solution for each situation. We know what we are talking about.

GoBright Room Booking - Dutch Railways - Nederlandse Spoorwegen

The perfect combination: an innovative Desk booking system combined with the height adjustment technology of sit-stand desks.

Jens Gädeke IT Director at Cosnova Beauty
Read more about this case
GoBright Room Booking - Dutch Railways - Nederlandse Spoorwegen

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet turpis tristique, auctor ex sit amet, lacinia tellus. Etiam finibus sapien condimentum tortor tempor, non eleifend nisi tempus.

Jens Gädeke IT Director at Cosnova Beauty

Employers user benefits title

Employers user benefits description

Employers user benefits title

The office is central for the flexible work environment as a collaboration and communication hub.

  • Online Desk selection

    Find and book your preferred desk online or via the app easily.

  • Visible Availability

    See desk status when entering the office.

  • Personalising

    Create a workspace that suits your personal needs.

  • Find your Colleague

    Work together with your favourite colleagues.

Benefits for Employers

The office is central for the flexible work environment as a collaboration and communication hub.

  • Online Desk selection

    Online Desk selection

  • Visible Availability

    See desk status when entering the office.

  • Personalising

    Create a workspace that suits your personal needs.

  • Find your Colleague

    Work together with your favourite colleagues.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Get in contact with Kayleigh
Our Product Support Specialist

Want to know more?

Don’t hesitate to get in touch

The future of the office is now!

The GoBright Products

Originating from the dream to create and innovate, our founder and CEO Wietse Hagoort started GoBright in 2016.

The GoBright Solutions

Originating from the dream to create and innovate, our founder and CEO Wietse Hagoort started GoBright in 2016.

The GoBright Solutions

Originating from the dream to create and innovate, our founder and CEO Wietse Hagoort started GoBright in 2016.

Get in contact with [Kayleigh]
Our Product Support Specialist

Ready for more?

Are you ready to take the next step? Request a demo to see our products in action or ask a question if you’re in doubt.

Discover how these companies optimized their workflow with GoBright

GoBright - Case Study - CHG-MERIDIAN - Desk Booking

Workplace management as a tool to improve the office’s occupancy

  • 1300+ employees
  • Challenge: more employees than floorspace
  • Room and Desk Booking
View complete case
GoBright - Desk Booking - Room Booking - Case Story Town Hall Veenendaal

Hosting meetings in a modern, new town hall

  • 1000+ employees
  • Challenge: innovating and improving the workplace
  • Room and Desk Booking
View complete case

Desk Booking Packages

Desk Booking Packages

Creating a Smart Office with GoBright

GoBright offers endless possibilities to use the workplace in a smarter and more efficient way.

GoBright Room Booking - Dutch Railways - Nederlandse Spoorwegen - NS - building

Meet the Team - Sales

GoBright Room Booking - Dutch Railways - Nederlandse Spoorwegen - NS - User friendly software
GoBright Room Booking - Dutch Railways - Nederlandse Spoorwegen - NS - User friendly software
GoBright Room Booking - Dutch Railways - Nederlandse Spoorwegen - NS - User friendly software
GoBright Room Booking - Dutch Railways - Nederlandse Spoorwegen - NS - collaboration

Creating a Smart Office with GoBright

Frequently asked questions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla imperdiet placerat lorem, eu elementum porta. Mauris tempus, lacus malesuada vulputate ullamcorper, ipsum nunc blandit orci.

View all Room Booking questions
What is a parking management system?

A parking management system refers to the innovative technologies that provide solutions in the parking industry. In GoBright’s case, it is a system in which users can book various...

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Why is parking management important?

Parking management is important for several reasons. First of all, managing parking creates opportunities for improving traffic flow. After all, when everybody is able to book their parking spot...

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What are the advantages of a parking management system?

There’s a variety of benefits that come from a parking management system such as GoBright’s Car Parking. First of all, you’ll be able to offer a better employee and...

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What are the drawbacks of smart parking systems?

As any innovation, parking management systems can have some disadvantages. Most evidently, it’s the pricing that is the biggest concern for many employers. Some parking management systems may cost...

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What is Desk Booking?

Desk Booking is the possibility to reserve a desk or workplace in advance, so employees are guaranteed of a workplace when they arrive at the office. It has many...

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Philips PPDS Logo
LG Logo
NowSignage Logo
TOPDesk Logo
IAdea Logo
GoBright - Linak Logo - Full Colour
GoBright - Case Study - CHG-MERIDIAN Italia S.p.A.
LEHMANN Locks - Integration GoBright Portal - Partnership 2


meeting room screens implemented


employees with access to the app


offices with GoBright implemented

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GoBright Room Booking - Dutch Railways - Nederlandse Spoorwegen - NS -Smart Workplace Solutions


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