Activate a Gateway Device

When the profile is created, the device still needs to be added.

  • Choose Settings > Devices > Gateways
  • Enter a name and add the Gateway Profile to the device
  • Choose the correct time zone

The Gateway

When installing the Gateway make sure to place it in an open room, refrain from placing it in a confined space. The Gateway has a reach up to 40 meters, however, walls and other disruptions (from devices) can reduce this distance. It is able to connect to a maximum of 100 Connects.

There are two ways to activate the gateway, using the serial number & installation code or use the activation code. The first option will require to check the back of the gateway. When the gateway has been installed in a hard to reach place the second option can be used to get the activation code remotely.

Activate via Gateway Information

  • Both the serial number & installation code can be found on the back of the gateway
  • The serial number contains 16 characters (S/N : 0000 0000 0000 000A)
  • The installation code contains 20 characters (Inst code: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX)
  • When both numbers are entered press Save continue

Activate via Activation Code

  • Use a tool (like ipscan) to find the IP address of the gateway
  • Access the gateway by entering the IP and port number 8080:
  • Under the action header click on Show settings
  • The Activation code will be shown in a table with a Value in the second column
  • Enter the Value in the portal to activate the gateway

It can take up to 2-5 minutes before the Gateway is activated after entering the codes. Note that it needs to be connected to the platform and NTP time synchronisation is enabled.


When the gateway is connected and activated it will be displayed in green text and the status will be shown on the device page.

This article comes from the Help Center of GoBright.

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