Gateway configuration and status

Gateway admin panel

The Gateway can provide various details about its status and the devices that are connected to it. To check this information we’ll need to access the Gateway admin panel. This is done by entering the IP address of the Gateway within a browser and add ‘:8080’.

The IP address can be found within the GoBright portal under Settings > Devices. When entered correctly the following screen will appear:


Log in using the pincode that has been set within the Gateway profile. There are three main buttons on the top-right corner of the screen: Home, Settings & Devices


This screen displays information regarding the Gateway itself and gives an overview of the current status. On the left-hand side, the ‘System Information’ is displayed and the right-hand side displays its connection ‘Status’.

Beneath this information, a log is printed with the most recent connections from and to the Gateway from the connected devices.


The Gateway has a couple of settings that can be changed and a function to ‘Reboot’ the device:

  • Configure the NTP Server
  • Configure the Zigbee channel*
  • Activate / Deactivate the Gateway

*note that the Zigbee channel can interfere with other wireless signals that use the same frequency. If you experience any problems with connectivity try changing the Zigbee channel if it’s causing interference with other signals (more information).


Displays a list of all connected devices and their current status. Using the ‘detail’ button after each device retrieves more information and displays all recent messages.


It’s possible to check which device is connected by checking the Serial number against the number displayed within the GoBright portal under Sensors & Connects.

Advanced network troubleshooting

Connecting to the admin panel without accessing the LAN network

In some cases it is not possible to connect to the admin panel of the gateway, because the network cannot be accessed with e.g. an laptop.

In this case the gateway can temporarely act as a Wifi Accesspoint, with the sole purpose of accessing the admin panel.

Steps to access the admin panel via Wifi:

  • On the top of the gateway device there is a physical button, keep this button pressed for 60 seconds, until the ‘wifi’ icon on the gateway is lit.
  • Now the gateway acts as a Wifi access point, which you can connect to with your laptop:
    • The Wifi network name is: gw-[last 4 characters of the gateways serialnumber]
    • The network key is the installation code of the gateway (without spaces, case-sensitive)
  • Once your laptop is connected, it will get an IP address from the gateway
  • Now you can access the admin panel by browsing to:
  • Notes:
    • The laptop will not get access to the LAN side to which the gateway is connected (it is not routing the traffic).
      This means that your laptop will not have e.g. internet access when connected via Wifi to the gateway.
    • Because the laptop has no internet access, it might try to stop the Wifi connection to the gateway and prefer another Wifi connection because that has internet. To mitigate the only option is to ‘forget’ the normal Wifi connection in the Wifi settings of the laptop.
    • You can turn off the Wifi accesspoint mode of the gateway by:
      • again pressing the top button for 60 seconds
      • or it will be automatically turned off when the gateway reboots.
    • This mode is supported from gateway firmware version v5.9 and higher.

Status of the Gateway (LEDs)

The Gateway has 4 LEDs which show the state of the gateway.

Power Wi-Fi Exclamation Mark Green Dot
GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_6.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_3.png

When the combination of lights are displayed, the Gateway has the following status:

Lit Off Off Lit Status
GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_6.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_3.png OK (Activated And Connected)
Lit Off Lit Off Status
GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_6.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_2.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_4.png Not Activated At Platform
Lit Off Blink Slow Off Status
GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_6.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_2.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_4.png Requesting New Refresh Token At Platform
Blink Slow Off Blink Off Status
GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_6.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_2.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_4.png Not Connected to the platform
Lit Lit Lit Blink Fast Status
GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_2.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_3.png Firmware Download And Upgrade In Progress
Blink Fast Blink Fast Blink Fast Blink Fast Status
GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_2.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_3.png NTP Server has not been set up or synchronized correctly

This article comes from the Help Center of GoBright.

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