Gateway NTP Server configuration

GoBright uses the NTP (Network Time Protocol) to sync all times on the displays. Therefore, an NTP Server setup is required on the GoBright Gateway and displays. By default, this is configured as follows:

This setting can be changed following the configuration steps below:

Configuring the Gateway

The Gateway needs NTP synchronization to work. So, before the Gateway can be activated or work at all, NTP should work properly.

  • Use a tool (like ipscan) to find the IP address of the gateway or check the IP address within the GoBright portal under Settings > Devices
  • Access the gateway by entering the IP and port number :8080
  • Log in using the pin code that has been set within the Gateway profile. If no pin code has been set leave this field empty and press Sign In

  • Note that within this screen the NTP, Date & time and Time zone are being displayed on the bottom and verified.

  • Press the Settings button in the top-right corner
  • Change the Value of the NTP Server and press Save

Configuring the display

To change the NTP Server settings on the display follow the steps below:

  • Access the admin panel of the display using the magic swipe
  • Enter the pin code of the device
  • Select Date and Time
  • Select NTP Server and adjust the setting
  • Reboot the display for the changes to take effect

This article comes from the Help Center of GoBright.

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