Installing a Gateway

The Gateway is needed to let the GoBright Connect communicate with the GoBright Platform.


The Gateway has a range of approximately 40 meters in an open field and as a rule-of-thumb 20 meters in an office environment. Please be aware that the wireless range always heavily depends on building structure, interference, etc.

It is important to place the Gateway in the open space, much like you would mount a Wi-Fi access point in the open space. A Gateway needs to be connected to the internet via a wired connection and needs DHCP+NTP synchronization to be able to work.

A Gateway can handle max up to 100 joined sensors/Connects, in installed environments a Gateway normally handles 30-60 sensors/Connects, due to different levels and areas of office buildings.

Installation steps

In general, the installation itself is kept as easy as possible. There are three steps to install the gateway.

Connect the Gateway

The Gateway needs to be connected to an ethernet cable for network/internet access, and to power via PoE or via a power adapter. It has 4 LEDs on top that represents the current status. The Gateway takes around 3-5 minutes to boot, the power and dot LED should be lit a constant green when activated.

Status of the Gateway (LEDs)

The Gateway has 4 LEDs which show the state of the gateway.

Power Wi-Fi Exclamation Mark Green Dot
GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_6.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_3.png

When the combination of lights is displayed, the Gateway has the following status:

Lit Off Off Lit Status
GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_6.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_3.png OK (Activated and Connected)
Lit Off Lit Off Status
GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_6.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_2.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_4.png Not Activated at Platform
Lit Off Blink Slow Off Status
GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_6.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_2.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_4.png Requesting New Refresh Token at Platform
Blink Slow Off Blink Off Status
GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_6.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_2.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_4.png Not Connected to the platform
Lit Lit Lit Blink Fast Status
GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_2.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_3.png Firmware Download and Upgrade in Progress
Blink Fast Blink Fast Blink Fast Blink Fast Status
GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_2.png GoBright_-_Gateway_-_visuals_Tekengebied_5_kopie_3.png NTP Server has not been set up or synchronized correctly

DHCP & NTP time synchronization requirements

The Gateway needs DHCP and NTP (Network Time Protocol) synchronization to work. So, before the Gateway can be activated or work at all, DHCP and NTP should work. Please review this article to configure these settings.

Next step

Now go to the next step: Configure a Gateway Profile

This article comes from the Help Center of GoBright.

View original article


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