Integrating in a signage solution via web url

The GoBright room display, wayfinder and mapviewer are capable of being integrated as a HTML5 website. Obviously, management and hardware capabilities (for example NFC integration) will not work.

To be able to integrate the viewer, you need to create them as a device in the GoBright portal, and activate them via ‘direct access url’.

Every device is known in the portal, and there it is linked to settings and it’s purpose (for example: room display).

Activating a device (room display / player)

Log in to the GoBright portal with your manager account, and choose Settings > Devices.

Now add a new device with the ‘Add’ button, or select an existing one to edit.

Then choose the ‘profile’, where the profile defines the purpose of the device. So choosing a room display profile makes the device a room display, choosing a wayfinder profile makes the device a wayfinder, etc.

After that related settings will be asked, so if you choose a room display profile, you also need to choose a room that has to be displayed.

If you are adding a new device, you need to save it first, and click on the device in the list to edit it.

Then choose ‘Activate via’: ‘Direct access url’, and click ‘Generate url’.

Now a ‘direct access url’ is shown, and you can use this in a browser.

Please note:

  • If you use this url, it will login to GoBright and overwrite your session.
    So for testing purposes, it is best to use ‘incognito’ mode to test the url.
  • Use the url only at one device, because if used twice, the first of the two will not work properly

A device which is access via a ‘direct access url’ will be shown in the list as ‘url generated’:

This article comes from the Help Center of GoBright.

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