More and more offices are introducing hot desking into their work culture. At the core of hot desking is the elimination of personal desks. This means that employees work at a different desk every day. There are a few benefits that hot desking brings to employees and employers.
Better collaboration and social cohesion
Hot desking entails that employees take whatever desk is available in the morning, instead of having one fixed desk for themselves. This enhances collaboration between different employees and departments within your business. Information will be shared throughout the company between different people, resulting in better overall knowledge of the business’ whereabouts. Working together with different people also stimulates creativity and increases social cohesion on the work floor.
The most important advantage of Hot Desking is that it stimulates building relationships with more colleagues, resulting in a better working environment for all. In static working environments, it is only natural that certain groups of people start to form that regularly work together. It can be beneficial to prevent this, to stimulate communication between colleagues from different departments. People will start sharing information with each other throughout the company, leading to a better overall knowledge of the company’s business. Additionally, this better cooperation will lead to the flow of more creativity. Your employees get to know different aspects of your business and become inspired by their coworkers and environment to think outside of the box.
Eliminating wasted resources with occupancy management
When your employees have fixed workplaces, these desks remain unused if the employee has a day off or is not present for any other reason. This is a waste of resources and space. You may be able to save these costs by hot desking. Hot desking enables optimally using the desks and other workspaces at the office, as unused desks may be occupied by anybody else. If you combine hot desking with an occupancy management tool, you can measure how many of your desks are actually used. This information can be used to help reshape your office to fulfil the needs of your employees.
Tidy workspaces
People like to bring home to the office. This is why fixed desks usually have personal items, such as pictures and stationery. When your office makes use of hot desks, employees will have increased accountability in keeping their desks organised and clean. After all, someone else is going to use it after them. This will help keep your workspace clean. Employers can help their employees keep tidy by providing them with lockers where they can keep their personal belongings. You can choose for regular lockers, or digitally monitored lockers such as GoBright’s, which you and your employees can book from home.