Digiteq Automotive - A Volkswagen Group company


Discover how other companies optimised their workflow with the GoBright Smart Workplace Solutions.

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logo NS - Nederlandse Spoorwegen - Dutch Railways
GoBright - Case Story - KRUK Italia - Room Booking - Smart Workplace Solutions - Room Management

Maintaining work-life balance while fostering office involvement

  • 500+ employees
  • Challenge: manage a hybrid working environment
  • Room, Desk and Parking Booking, including Mapping
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GoBright - Polimi Graduate School of Management - Case Story - Education - Digital Signage

Smart working environment, with accurate occupancy data

  • 3000+ students yearly
  • Challenge: allow space management and inform teachers and students
  • Room, Desk, and Parking Booking, Wayfinding, Digital Signage
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GoBright - Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân

Focussing on collaboration in an Activity Based Workplace

  • 600+ employees
  • Challenge: Boost collaboration and connection at the workplace
  • Room Booking, Desk Booking and Map Viewer
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GoBright Smart Workplaces - Admiral Case Story - Chris and Huw

Motivating employees with Parking Booking

  • 11.000+ employees
  • Challenge: Focusing on active collaboration
  • Room Booking, Desk Booking and Parking Space Booking
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GoBright - Viridium

Practical Hybrid Working with Room & Desk Booking

  • 800 + employees
  • Challenge: Finding the right balance with hybrid working
  • Room Booking and Desk Booking
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GoBright - IJsselheem

Flexible working solutions in monumental building

  • 2700+ employees
  • Challenge: Boost collaboration and connection at the workplace
  • Room Booking, Desk Booking and Microsoft Integrations
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GoBright - Subaru

Improving Collaboration in the Headquarters

  • 36,000+ employees
  • Challenge: Optimise hybrid working strategy
  • Room Booking and Desk Booking
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GoBright Room Booking - Dutch Railways - Nederlandse Spoorwegen - NS - building

Optimised meetings with smart room booking

  • 1800+ employees
  • Challenge: Streamline meeting room booking process
  • Room Booking and Visitor Registration
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Digiteq Automotive - A Volkswagen Group company

Desk Booking for managing the office's occupancy

  • 550+ employees
  • Challenge: regulating the amount of employees at the office
  • Desk Booking
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GoBright - Case Study - CHG-MERIDIAN - Desk Booking

Workplace management as a tool to improve the office’s occupancy

  • 1300+ employees
  • Challenge: more employees than floorspace
  • Room and Desk Booking
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GoBright - Desk Booking - Room Booking - Case Story Town Hall Veenendaal

Hosting meetings in a modern, new town hall

  • 1000+ employees
  • Challenge: innovating and improving the workplace
  • Room and Desk Booking
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GoBright - Digital Signage - De Variabele 3

Overcome any communication challenge with digital signage software

  • 200+ employees
  • Challenge: optimising internal communication
  • Digital Signage
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GoBright - Case CMS - Room Booking - 1

Optimising office space with practical and simple software solutions

  • 4800+ employees
  • Challenge: optimising desk and room management
  • Room and Desk Booking
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Orange Cyberdefense GoBright Hybrid Working solutions cantine

Ready for the future office with GoBright Smart Office solutions

  • 1500+ employees
  • Challenge: designing a social office environment
  • Room and Desk Booking and Visitor Registration
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RZV Customer Case

The perfect fit for sustainable and health focussed work environments

  • 250+ employees
  • Challenge: modernising workplace management
  • Desk Booking
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Vitella Visit

Visitor Management Solution for Multi-Company Building

  • 150+ employees;
  • Challenge: digitise room booking, improve userfriendliness and optimise hospitality;
  • Visitor Registration, Room Booking, and Digital Signage.
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GoBright - office Cosnova

The most innovative solution for modern desk sharing

  • 500+ employees
  • Challenge: retaining and attracting talent
  • Room and Desk Booking
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Gobright Work - Thirteen Group - Desk Booking

A specific set of requirements made possible with GoBright

  • 2500+ employees
  • Challenge: engender a culture of choice and trust
  • Room and Desk Booking and Visitor Registration
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GoBright Room Booking - Visitor registration - Unigarant 2

The new generation employees expects a flexible working environment

  • 500+ employees
  • Challenge: attract the new generation of employees
  • Room Booking and Visitor Registration
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Houdijk Holland - Room Booking & Visitor Registration - GoBright

Beautiful and modern booking solution for our meeting rooms

  • 250+ employees
  • Challenge: continue innovation and progress
  • Room Booking, Visitor Registration and Digital Signage
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Strukton room booking - GoBright - Room Panel

Overall insight into the availability of meeting rooms

  • 2500+ employees
  • Challenge: create accessibility and availability
  • Room Booking and Visitor Registration
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GoBright - Cases - Images

Complete solutions for future-oriented companies

  • 150+ employees
  • Challenge: move away from traditional office use
  • Room and Desk Booking, Visitor Registration and Digital Signage
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GoBright - Cases - Images3

Solutions that complement our high-quality office furniture

  • 150+ employees
  • Challenge: smart software fitting hollistic solutions
  • Room and Desk Booking and Visitor Registration
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GoBright - Cases - Images4

Getting the maximum return from meetings and meeting rooms

  • 200+ employees
  • Challenge: inefficient room booking and creating flexible workplaces
  • Room and Desk Booking
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GoBright Team - Colleague - Gonnie Arts - Channel Development Manager Germany

Get in contact with Gonnie,
our Channel Development Manager.

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