Configuring the GoBright Outlook Add-in for Microsoft Office 365

The GoBright Outlook Add-in can be used with your Microsoft Office 365 tenant. The configuration below goes through the following steps:

  • Configuring the Outlook Add-in via the Web
    • Login to Outlook
    • Install the GoBright Outlook Add-in
Using the GoBright Outlook Add-in is the recommended way, and includes support for Outlook for Windows and MacOS. This requires the use of Office 365 and the latest Outlook version which is automatically distributed with Office 365, because the Outlook Add-in uses the latest features of Outlook which comes with Office 365.
Deployment of the Outlook Add-in for the whole organization via Office 365 Admin Center

The Outlook Add-In can be deployed for a specific user, group of users or the whole organization via the O365 Admin Center.

If you previously installed the ‘old’ GoBright plugin (including the MSI installer), you need to uninstall the old plugin otherwise there will be two GoBright buttons in the Outlook appointment window.

Deployment of the GoBright O365 APP/Plugin

To deploy the plugin, first you need to be signed in with an admin account in your M365 environment.

  1. You need to go to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center and sign in with the admin account.
  2. When in the M365 Admin Center, press Settings on the left pane and select Integrated Appsplugin1.png
  3. Press the Get apps button to reach the Microsoft Apps Gallery and search for GoBrightaddin1.png
  4. Your results will show two GoBright apps. One called GoBright Addin which is the Addin for Outlook Calendar that we are looking for now and the other is the GoBright App/Plugin for O365/Teams/Outlook which you can check here.
  5. You need to press Get It Now on the one called GoBright Addin and press Get It Now again addin2.png
  6. In the Users screen you need to choose for which users you want to deploy the plugin. This can be a test deployment as well for only one user if you want to test it. Or you can immediately select Entire Organization (Most Common) or select specific users or groups. addin3.png
  7. Press Next on the Permission Request Screen
  8. Press Finish Deployment and wait for the Deployment to be completedaddin5.png
  9. After this the GoBright Addin will be available in Outlook as an Addin when you want to create a Booking, however there is some synchronization time, and it won’t be immediate.


Manually Configuring the Outlook Add-in for Office 365

The Outlook Plugin can be added as an add-in and installed via an URL.

If you previously installed the ‘old’ GoBright plugin (including the MSI installer), you need to uninstall the old plugin otherwise there will be two GoBright buttons in the Outlook appointment window.

Login to Outlook

Install the Outlook Web Add-in

Supported Platforms & Authentication methods

Supported plaforms

Supported platform GoBright Outlook Add-in for Office 365
32-bit 64-bit Webmail
Outlook 365 for Windows 32-bit V V V
Outlook 365 Windows 64-bit V V V
Outlook 365 Mac OS X V V V

Supported authentication methods

This article comes from the Help Center of GoBright.

View original article


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