GoBright Smart Office Solutions that support Hybrid Working in the future of the office - Check In via GoBright Connect
Package 3

Hybrid working

Ensure your office is ready for the future of work with the all-in desk management solution by GoBright. The Hybrid Working package by GoBright ensures you are ready for the future of work by offering a complete desk management solution.

  • Complete and all-in desk management solution;
  • Hot desking and activity-based working;
  • Connectivity.
GoBright - desk management - office life - work - Desk Booking

Hybrid Working Package

Especially after the coronavirus pandemic, the workplace is changing rapidly. Activity-based or hybrid-based working is becoming the new norm. How can you realise this type of working in your own office? The Hybrid Working package by GoBright offers you the entire concept of desk management and ensures your office is ready for the future of working.

The new office is a meeting place for all kinds of different users. Some people are at the office every day and require a set location. Others want to book and visit on days of their choosing and even others are sporadic office visitors. And, even from home they all need to stay connected with each other. This is called Hybrid Working and is becoming more important. Creating a Hybrid workspace, where different types of employees can work together and be facilitated with what they need is key in growing towards the future.

The combination between booking desks via the Mobile App, analysing occupation with Desk Sensors and creating availability with the Connect and Glow is essential for working in the hybrid office.

our hybrid working package

Here you can find the elements you need to make Hybrid Working possible in your office.

GoBright Desk Booking - Booking via Mobile App

Access to Portal and App

Our software makes Desk Booking possible. The cloud-based Portal and App are always included with the Desk Booking software licence. The software comes with a multitude of features and functions. By adding licences and hardware products these functions can be activated and used when desired.

Working with the Software

Via our software and the interactive map in the Online Portal and via the Mobile App you can book anytime, anywhere. Search for a specific desk with filters, make a booking recurring or book desks for your team with Team Bookings. While booking your desk, you can book a locker, or book a locker at the office via the locker bank.

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GoBright - Outlook - Teams - Integration

Desk Booking integrations

Our Desk Booking software integrates with many different systems to ensure user-friendliness.

  • Integrations: Exchange, Teams, Microsoft 365, Google, Entra ID (Active Directory) and FMIS-systems;
  • All types of roles are available to be authenticated;
  • Unlimited number of users can be added.


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Easy desk booking with connect

Create your Personal Workspace

The Connect is a unique patented piece of hardware developed by GoBright. With the Connect you control your desk and create your own personal space.

  • Check in/out with the Mobile App or with an NFC/RFID card;
  • Pre-set your personal sitting/standing height;
  • LED colours indicates occupancy status throughout the entire platform;

To establish the connection between the Connect and the standing/sitting functionalities on your desks, specific cables are needed. You can find those in the pricelist.

GoBright - Hardware - Glow - Desk occupation status

Create visibility

By adding the GoBright Glow to your Connect or Interact, you create more visibility in the office. This makes hot desking possible in every office.

  • Light that indicates occupation status;
  • Place it on a monitor or partition wall to create visibility in the office;
  • LED light matches the Connect colours.
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GoBright Interact - new hardware device for Room Booking and Desk Booking

Detailed Bookings and Controlling your Workplace

The Interact is a versatile and interactive hardware device developed by GoBright that can be used for both Room Booking and Desk Booking. With the Interact you control your desk, can retrieve detailed information and create your own workplace.

  • Interactive display for making specific timeslot bookings, modifying existing bookings and viewing important information;
  • Works on Wi-Fi and PoE connections;
  • Built-in sensors to collect data which can be used to set up the office as efficiently as possible.
GoBright Room Booking - Mapping

Create a Floorplan

A floorplan gives employees a visual display of the office space. Display availability of desks on each floor and provide up-to-date information on desks bookings, check-ins, and desk detections.

PRO’s of Mapping

  • Booking desks through the interactive map in the Online Portal and via the Mobile App;
  • Make instant bookings through Mapping displays in the office;
  • ‘Find my Desk’ feature to see where your booked desk is in the office;
  • Create and adjust your own floor maps in the Online Portal.
More about Mapping
GoBright Analytics in a Data Driven Office


With GoBright Analytics you get great insights into the overall utilisation of office space. Floor space within offices is expensive and desks that aren’t used are an unnecessary expense. It is therefore the job of the facility manager to use workplaces smartly and efficiently.

  • Discover trends, such as the busiest days of the week, busiest hours of the day or which desks are booked most frequently;
  • Reduce the number of no-shows;
  • Calculate the number of desks you really need;
  • Improve your understanding of user behaviour and preferences.
Learn more about Analytics
GoBright Work - Desk Booking - auto check-in via sensor2

Measuring occupancy

Using desk sensors has many advantages. They can be used indivually to gain insight into desk use in your office or in combination with the desk booking solution, creating the full GoBright desk management experience.

  • The desk sensors register every desk occupation.
  • Check-out is not neccessary.
  • No-show management.
  • Desk sensors are 100% accurate.
Learn more about Sensors
GoBright locker integration - Vecos locks

Book a locker near your desk

When you booked a desk, you also need a dynamic locker at the same time, to store your belongings.

  • One user friendly system, one app on your phone;
  • Book a locker at the same floor as your desk or meeting room, at the same time;
  • Find a locker near your workplace with the ‘Claim my Locker’ function.
GoBright Meet - Room Management - Wayfinding

More about the 'Hybrid Working' Solution

Hybrid Working is about facilitating different types of workers in the modern office. It is a combination of working, collaborating, meeting, and inspiring that can be fulfilled differently for every industry, every organisation and even for every person. The starting point for this working method is that employees must always and everywhere have access to relevant information and that they can work where, when, and how they like it. This requires a flexible interpretation of your office environment.

Essentially, the Desk Booking Package and Desk Occupancy Package is combined in this package, creating an all-in solution. The use of technology is unavoidable in agile work environments. By working with the complete GoBright Desk Booking solution, your office becomes a hub for different types of workers and situations.


Channel Development Manager - Jan-Maurice

Get in contact with Jan-Maurice,
our Channel Development Manager.

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View all Hybrid Working questions
What is Hybrid Working?

Hybrid Working is a flexible working model where employees work partly in the physical office space and partly remotely (at home or any other chosen location). The idea...

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What are the benefits of Hybrid Working?

Hybrid working has many interesting benefits. The hybrid working model fits well with current wishes and objectives that modern job seekers and employees have. Studies have shown that...

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Why is hybrid working important?

That Hybrid Working is an important and relevant matter is proven by the fact that it is currently a C-level priority within many organisations.  The hybrid model fits...

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How do you manage the hybrid workplace?

One of the drivers of the hybrid working model is flexibility. Employees from all over the world wonder how they can increase their flexibility in and around the...

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What is the impact of hybrid work on the workforce?

Hybrid Working automatically comes with flexibility and autonomy. When designing your personal workday/workweek, people often feel their private,- and work life is much better balanced. Being happy and...

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What are the challenges when implementing Hybrid Working?

It is important that employers keep communicating with employees and that they pay extra attention to the behavior, wishes and wellbeing of employees. The hybrid office must be set...

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