User roles

Each user has one or more roles which define which rights and permissions are granted within the system. You can use the predefined roles, or make custom user roles to define your permission structure.

There are three predefined system roles available that can always be used:

  • User: A user can use the system for reservations for his personal use.
  • Booking Manager: A booking manager has the same permissions as a user, plus can also manage bookings and delete bookings.
    The ‘insight level’ defines how many details are visible, please refer to the general settings article.
  • Manager: The manager is the global system administrator and can access the whole system including the system settings.

These roles can be manually applied within Settings > Users > Roles or synchronized via Active Directory. For more information view the Azure AD / Active Directory synchronization article.

Custom User Roles

In addition to the default roles you can create custom roles via Settings > Users > Roles.
Per custom user role you are able to define the following permissions:


  • Bookings
    • Not allowed:
      Not allowed to make or manage bookings.
    • Allowed to make bookings:
      Can make and manage personal bookings but not for other users.
    • Allow the make and manage bookings:
      Allowed to make and manage bookings for themselves and for other users.
  • Booking permissions:
    • Allowed for all locations/rooms/desks
    • Only allowed for specific locations/rooms/desks
      • Bookings permissions: Including locations
        The selected locations are visible to book
      • Bookings permissions: Excluding locations
        The selected locations are not visible to book
      • Bookings permissions: Including spaces
        The selected rooms/desks are visible to book
      • Bookings permissions: Excluding spaces
        The selected rooms/desks are not visible to book
  • Allow access to weekplanner
    When enabled the user can use the weekplanner feature

Keep in mind that the permissions work in a hierarchy. So, when the parent is excluded/included, all the elements below are also excluded/included.

If you exclude any specific location or space, you should also include the location/space where the user with this role is allowed to make booking.


  • Allow to book outside opening hours
    The opening hours of a room are set within the assigned room profile.
  • Limit in advance booking period
    • Allowed to book … days in advance
      The amount of days they may book in advance
    • Allowed to book … days in advance: Skip weekends
      When enabled and ‘Allowed to book … days in advance’ is set to 1 or 2 days, you can choose to ‘Skip weekends’ to be able to book a room the days in advance accordingly. This also applies for single bookings.
    • Allowed to book … days in advance: Start time
      Dictates the time at which the last day of the advanced booking window can be booked.
      E.g. today is Monday. When ‘allowed to book … days in advance’ is set to two and ‘Allowed to book … days in advance: Start time’ is set to 10:00, the user can now book for Monday and Tuesday, but not yet for Wednesday. Booking for Wednesday becomes available the day before at 10:00. So on Tuesday at 10:00.
  • Limit duration of bookings
    Limit the duration of a single booking.
  • Limit on which days of the week bookings can be made
    When enabled, bookings can be made only on the selected day(s).


  • Allow recurring bookings
    Allow recurring desk bookings for all or specific locations/spaces.
  • Allow to book outside opening hours
    The opening hours of a room are set within the assigned desk profile.
  • Limit in advance booking period
    • Allowed to book … days in advance
      The amount of days they may book in advance
    • Allowed to book … days in advance: Skip weekends
      When enabled and ‘Allowed to book … days in advance’ is set to 1 or 2 days, you can choose to ‘Skip weekends’ to be able to book a desk the days in advance accordingly. This also applies for single bookings.
    • Allowed to book … days in advance: Start time
      Dictates the time at which the last day of the advanced booking window can be booked.
      E.g. today is Monday. When ‘allowed to book … days in advance’ is set to two and ‘Allowed to book … days in advance: Start time’ is set to 10:00, the user can now book for Monday and Tuesday, but not yet for Wednesday. Booking for Wednesday becomes available the day before at 10:00. So on Tuesday at 10:00.
  • Limit duration of bookings
    Limit the duration of a single booking.
  • Limit on which days of the week bookings can be made
    When enabled, bookings can be made only on the selected day(s).

Parking spaces

  • Allow recurring bookings
    Allow recurring parking space bookings for all or specific locations/spaces.
  • Allow to book outside opening hours
    The opening hours of a parking space are set within the assigned desk profile.
  • Limit in advance booking period
    • Allowed to book … days in advance
      The amount of days they may book in advance
    • Allowed to book … days in advance: Skip weekends
      When enabled and ‘Allowed to book … days in advance’ is set to 1 or 2 days, you can choose to ‘Skip weekends’ to be able to book a parking space the days in advance accordingly. This also applies for single bookings.
    • Allowed to book … days in advance: Start time
      Dictates the time at which the last day of the advanced booking window can be booked.
      E.g. today is Monday. When ‘allowed to book … days in advance’ is set to two and ‘Allowed to book … days in advance: Start time’ is set to 10:00, the user can now book for Monday and Tuesday, but not yet for Wednesday. Booking for Wednesday becomes available the day before at 10:00. So on Tuesday at 10:00.
  • Limit duration of bookings
    Limit the duration of a single booking.
  • Limit on which days of the week bookings can be made
    When enabled, bookings can be made only on the selected day(s).


  • Analytics
    • Not allowed
      Not allowed to analyse data.
    • Allowed for all locations/rooms/desks/parking
      Allowed to analyse data from all locations/rooms/desks/parking places
    • Only allowed for specific locations/rooms/desks/parking
      • Analytics permissions: Including locations
        The selected locations are visible to analyse
      • Analytics permissions: Excluding locations
        The selected locations are not visible to analyse
      • Analytics permissions: Including spaces
        The selected rooms/desks are visible to analyse
      • Analytics permissions: Excluding spaces
        The selected rooms/desks are not visible to analyse

Keep in mind that the permission works in a hierarchy. So when the parent is excluded/included, all the elements below are also excluded/included.

If you exclude any specific location or space, you should also include the location/space where the user with this role is allowed to check the analytics.


  • Booking approvals
    • Not allowed
      Not allowed to manage booking approvals
    • Allowed for all locations/rooms
      Allowed to manage bookings for all locations/rooms
    • Only allowed for specific locations/rooms
      • Booking approvals permissions permissions: Including locations
        Only allowed to manage the selected locations
      • Booking approvals permissions: Excluding locations
        Explicitly not allowed to manage the selected locations
      • Booking approvals permissions: Including spaces
        Only allowed to manage the selected spaces
      • Booking approvals permissions: Excluding spaces
        Explicitly not allowed to manage the selected spaces

Keep in mind that the permission works in a hierarchy. So when the parent is excluded/included, all the elements below are also excluded/included.

If you exclude any specific location or space, you should also include the location/space where the user with this role is allowed to approve the booking.

Other booking-related permissions

  • Allowed to make team bookings and to book on behalf (for desks/parking)
    • Disabled
    • Enabled
  • Teams management
    • View own teams
    • Manage own teams
      When enabled the user can see and manage their own teams
    • Manage all teams
      When enabled the user can see and manage the teams of every user
  • Allow simultaneous bookings on desks
    Allow users to make multiple desk bookings simultaneously
  • Hygienic desk mark clean
    • None
      Cannot clean any desks
    • Can clean anonymous desks
      Can only clean desks that are anonymously booked
    • Can clean anonymous and own desks
      Can only clean desks that are anonymously or personally booked
    • Can clean all desks
      Can clean all desks
  • Allow simultaneous bookings on parking spaces
    Allow users to make multiple parking space bookings simultaneously


  • Services
    • Not allowed
      Not allowed to manage system settings
    • Allowed to manage for a single service provide
      Allowed to manage only specific services from one provider
    • Allowed to manage for all service providers
      Allowed to manage all services


  • Issues
    • Not allowed
      Not allowed to manage system settings
    • Allowed to manage for a single-issue handler
      Allowed to manage only specific issue from one provider
    • Allowed to manage for all issue handlers
      Allowed to manage all issues


  • Visitors
    • Not allowed
      Not allowed to manage visitors
    • Allowed to manage visitors for a single location
      Allowed to manage only visitors of a specific location
    • Allowed to manage visitors for all locations
      Allowed to manage all visitors



  • System settings
    • Not allowed
      Not allowed to manage system settings
    • Allowed
      Can manage all system settings

This article comes from the Help Center of GoBright.

View original article


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