Configuration of Combined Rooms

It’s possible to add a Combined Room for Room booking. When you are using two adjacent spaces which can be combined as one room, you can add the possibility to book one or both rooms in GoBright.

You can book Combined Rooms in the GoBright portal or the mobile app, in Outlook by using the GoBright Outlook plugin and on a Mapviewer.

Configuration of Combined Rooms

To configure a Combined Room, you will need to login to the GoBright portal with your admin account.

Keep in mind that the individual rooms need to be linked to the same external integration if you want to be able to combine them to a Combined Room.

Go to Settings > Meet > Press the drop-down arrow to click on the ‘Add combined room’ option

Fill in all the needed fields. You will need to fill in at least the location of your Combined Room, and the capacity. When you scroll down you will find the ‘Linked rooms’ heading.

Press the ‘Link room’-button. Select the rooms you want to link, and press proceed. Your room selection will be presented, and if needed you can delete any room by pressing the trash bin icon. Scroll back up your page to Save your configurations.


Keep in mind that you will need to add a new element for your Combined Room, to be able to show your Combined Room on your maps.

You can add the element to your map via: Settings > Maps > Open your Map or add a new one > Press ‘Add resource’-button > Select Type: Combined Room

For more information about how to configure your maps, please check this article.

Important notes

  • A Combined Room can only contain a maximum number of three rooms, and an individual Room can only be linked to one Combined Room.
  • If you are using an integration with an external system, both rooms need to be linked to the same integration before you can combine them as a Combined Room in GoBright.
  • You can book a Combined Room in GoBright portal or in Outlook by using our GoBright Outlook plugin. When using the GoBright plugin, select the rooms you would like to combine, and the option Combine will appear. Select this option to book the rooms as combined.
  • Room Displays and Room sensors can only be linked to an individual Room.
  • Control cannot be enabled for a Combined Room, but you can have control in the individual rooms.
  • No-show detection on a booking will be shown as a single no-show item in Analytics > Occupation Top 10.
    • This means that when someone has a combined room booking, this will be shown as one item and not two separate items (for example Room A and Room B). However, occupation top 10 based on occupation detection by sensor is not supported.
  • Not (yet) supported options:
    • Shortening a bookings based on a sensor, check-in confirmation by sensor, and showing the room as almost occupied when occupation is detected will not work for Combined Rooms.

This article comes from the Help Center of GoBright.

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